Friday, February 15, 2013

Girls Night Out

Girls Night Out
©Barbara Butler

Supplies Needed:
Scrap Kit:  Girls Night Out By Freaks Creations Found Here
Template05_2013 By Me Found Here
WSLMask84  Link to her website is on the side.
Photo editing program of choice.  I use PSP X4 but any program should work just fine.
A few tubes of choice.  I used the artwork of Verymany in one example.  And the artwork of Keith Garvey in another. Please don't use either of these without buying them and having a license to use them.  Verymany can be found at PFD and Keith Garvey has his own store.  All links are on the side.

This tut was written by me and any similarities to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.  It was written for those with working knowledge of psp.

Remember to save often

Let's Begin

Open template, duplicate and close the original.  Delete the copyright layer.

Paper Instructions:

On the very bottom layer select all and paste P1 into selection.  Unselect.  Apply the mask and merge the mask group.

On raster 3 select all, float, defloat, paste P7 onto canvas invert and hit delete.  Unselect.

On raster 7 select all, float, defloat, past P5 onto canvas ivert and hit delete.  Unselect.

On the middle rectangle select all, float, defloat and paste P12 into selection.  Unselect.

On the other two layers select all, float, defloat and paste P9 into selection.  Unselect.

On Raster 4 select all, float, defloat, paste P10 onto canvas invert and hit delete.  Unselect.  Repeat for Copy of Raster 4.

Element Instructions:*
*All elements are resized by 75% unless stated other wise stated.

Paste E11 onto canvas just behind the bottom rectangle.  No resizing is necessary for this.  Just move it down a little so you can see the three rectangles behind it.  See mine for proper placement.

Paste E2 onto canvas bring to the top in the layer palette.  Resize three times and place to the left.  

Paste E3 onto canvas.  Resize by 75% once and then by 85% and move down in front of the piano keys.

Paste E16 onto canvas put behind E11 and the wordart.  No resizing necessary.  See my tag for proper placement.

Paste E20 onto canvas move to the right.  No resizing necessary.  See my tag for proper placement.

Paste E23 onto canvas.  Resize three times, and move to left the left of the left rectangle.

Paste E22 onto canvas.  Mirror and resize four times and move to the bottom left of E23.

Paste E27 onto canvas.  Resize once.  Mirror and move to the right.  In the layer palette move it just above the mask layer.

Paste E5 onto canvas.  Resize twice.  Free rotate 15 degrees to the right.  Move to the right just below the piano keys and the banner.

Paste E7 onto canvas.  Resize once, move to the right and below the rectangle layers.  Make sure none of the top part is showing.  Duplicate, mirror and move to the left.

Paste E4 onto canvas.  Resize three times.  Move behind the fan.  Duplicate two times (So it is not transparent) and merge these three layers.

Paste Your tubes onto the canvas.  Resize as necessary.  And place to your liking. 

Add copyright and save as a psp. 

Add name and any effects you want to the name.  I like using a gradient glow, resize as needed and save as png.

Thank you for taking a look at my tut.

Here is the one with Keith Garvey tubes.

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