Monday, January 7, 2013


Country Girls
©Barbara Butler
Jan. 7, 2013

Temp03_2013 By Me Here
ScrapKit:  Country Girl Store Tagging Angels
By Scrappin Krazy Designs
   http: //
Pretty Cowgirl by Ismael Rac
You can fine the template through the link and everything else is on the side.

Remember to save often:
Let's Begin:
Open template SHift+D and delete the original.  Delete copyright layer.
On Raster5 select all>float>de float new raster layer and copy P08 into selection and change the blend mode to overlay.

With magic wand click on teh yellow part of Raster3  expand by 2 and paste P11 onto canvas invert and hit delete.   Repeat with Copy of Raster3.
On Raster2 select all>float>de float> contract by 5 and paste P12 onto canvas invert and delete.  Repeat this with the first copy of Raster2 but paste P18 onto canvas invert and delete.  Repeat one more time for the second copy of the Raster and paste P03 invert and delete.

On Raster4 select all>float>de float contract by 5 and paste P04 into selection select none.

For the next part you might want to adjust your canvas so you properly place the elements.  You can crop it to size at the end.  I put mine at 1200X909 but it is up to you.

Paste Ele11 re-size by 75% twice and place on the left right behind the wordart.  Paste Ele06 re-size 75% twice and place on the right side.

Paste Ele13 and move to the bottom leave it behind the wordart.  Paste Ele09 re-size by 75% twice place to the left just in front of the horse. 

Paste Ele81 move to the bottom and in the layer palette place the left side just behind the hat. 
Paste Ele38 re-size75% twice free rotate to the left by 15 degrees.  Place on the right side of the hearts.

Paste the following elements and place to your liking (or see mine for placement).

You might want to crop and resize before adding your tube.  I got mine down to 728X535.

On Raster13 Paste Tube of choice mirror back on the bottom layer select all>float>de float> invert and on the tube layer hit delete.  select none.  Change blend mode Luminance(L)   Crop image.  add a DS of choice.  You want to crop before adding the drop shadow or you'll see it at the bottom of the tag.

Copy main tube re-size 75% 5 times and place to the right of the circles. 

Add copyright.  Save as a psp or psd.

Add name(s) re size and save as a png.  And you are done.  Thank you for taking a look.

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